Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chill Out Room On Notice

All of us in the chill out room have seen first hand the devastating effects of the decreasing quality of threads. And most of us, I believe, would like to see that trend reversed. Personally, I believe the first step is education. Too many of our "younger" members don't know the chill out room as anything except what it has degraded into. And that's why I've started the Education for a Better COR program, a progressive initiative to fight back against ignorance and irresponsibility in the COR. You've already seen the beginnings of this program in my educational guide, How To Use the Humor / Funny Stuff / Cool Web Sites Forum. My "sound posting" tips of the day are also a part of this initiative. But that's only the beginning, because as of this moment, the chill out room is officially on notice: the long overdue return of Thread Quality Control is coming soon. So I suggest you mind your ps and qs when creating new threads - because I'd like nothing more than for the next installation of Thread Quality Control to feature a great group of threads that can set a positive example for our newer members.

Remember, in order for these initiatives to achieve their maximum effect, it's important to vote Arbiter in the upcoming cor-whore competition. That way, our wayward members will see that it's not just a small minority that desires a better chill out room, but the community as a whole.

Also coming soon: "Why I'm Campaigning," an exclusive report on why I've chosen to campaign for the cor-whore competition.

Arbiter's "sound posting" tip of the day: "Emoticon inflation" is the phenomenon by which excessive use of emoticons tends to devalue their effect, necessitating the use of even more emoticons in order to express an idea. Don't let yourself fall into this trap - keep your use of emoticons measured.

1 comment:

Melody Klein said...

Where's the Thread Quality Control you've promised us? :p